Super Elly
"Super Elly: The Mystery of the Missing Broccoli" is the second book in the Elly Problem Solving Books series that includes "Why is Elly Covered in Jelly?" which debuted as #1 in New Releases for both Early Childhood Education and Children's Asia & Asian America Stories!
Research has shown that children who are taught critical thinking skills become smarter, more independent, and more creative.
With this book children of all ages can easily learn the 5S methodology that has been used for decades in Fortune 500 organizations, in a fun story with beautiful illustrations. The 5S methodology was developed in Japan and has helped to enable major advances in multiple industries including manufacturing, healthcare, education, and government. This book also introduces the concept of visual management within 5S. These foundational concepts can be applied everywhere and spur children to apply the concepts at home and school.
Join Elly and Millie as they figure out the mystery of the missing broccoli. What will they do to find the missing broccoli and make sure the broccoli does not go missing again? Another book in the Elly Problem Solving Series that parents and children both love to read, with a very funny story and vibrant pictures that spark conversation after the story is over.